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Timantit voisi latoa näinkin, eli vaakaan. Silloin tuo pieni timantti saisi suuremman roolin. Ehkä kokeilen jossain vaiheessa tätäkin vaihtoehtoa.
Tässä näkyy tikkaus. Se oli helppo ommella ylhäältä alas timanttirivi kerrallaan ilman langan katkaisua.
I made a pillow version out of my Diamond in Diamond Quilt pattern. You see the quilt in the previous post. It was fairly quick to make but I got to play with shapes and colors. The pattern for this can be found here. At first I was thinking about making this entirely out of solids but I felt like it needed something more so I added prints too. The colors are strong but I think that they look really good.
The diamonds could be turned the other way around as well so that the smaller diamond gets a bigger role. Perhaps I'll make one like that at some point.
I like the planning step with blocks where I start seeing the end result more clearly. It was fun making this pillow. I have a one or two pillows with similar colors so they might end up in the group picture at some point.
Thank you to you all who have purchased the pattern, it makes me very happy!