Olen saanut erittäin ihanaa postia, jonka johdosta leijuin monta päivää. Nämä kankaat lähetti Amy Sinibaldi, joka suunnittelee kankaita Art Gallerylle. Kankaat ovat hänen kahdesta uusimmasta mallistostaan, Charleston ja Les Petits. Hän näki Instagramissa töitäni ja kysyi, haluaisinko tehdä näistä uutuuksista jotain. No hyvänen aika, totta kai halusin. Valitsin mallin ja kankaat tuli sen mukaan. Ihania ovat, ihan kaikki!!!
***I recently got the most wonderful mail. These fabrics were sent by Amy Sinibaldi, who designs fabrics for Art Gallery. These are from her two new collections, Charleston and Les Petits. She saw some of my work on Instagram and asked if I wanted to do something out of her new fabrics. But of course I wanted! I chose a pattern and selected the fabrics to it. I love all of them!!!
Here is the pattern I chose. It's from Modern Patchwork magazine. Unfortunately there was mistakes in it but luckily I didn't cut all of the pieces out before I noticed the problem. Making the diamonds with a Y-seam was way slower than the wrong way that the pattern suggested. The most unfortunate mistake though was the amount of background fabric. I was so embarrased when the fabrics came and I realized that there was way too much fabric.
Raita ja ruutu on Les Petitsiä ja muut ovat Charlestonia. Molempien mallistojen kaikki kankaat sopivat hyvin yhteen. Tähdet on tehty paper piecingillä.
Tikkautin työn Tilkkupajassa, jotta se varmasti onnistuisi. Malliksi valikoitui pitkän harkinnan jälkeen yksinkertainen aaltokuvio.
The striped one and checkered one are Les Petits and others are Charleston. Both lines match well with each other. The stars are made with paper piecing. I got the quilt quilted at Töölön tilkkupaja just to make sure it was perfect. After a lot of pondering I ended up with a simple wave pattern.
Koska kankaita jäi, kokosin takaosan extrakankaista ja laitoin sinne vielä muistoksi pätkän hulpiotakin. Tarkoitus oli laittaa taakse oma kangas mutta nyt koko työ on täysin yhtenäinen, mikä on tietysti kiva juttu.
Because there was so much extra fabric I collected the back from them and added a piece of the selvedge for a memory. I meant to do the backing from my own fabrics but now the whole quilt is matching.
Vieläkin riitti kangasta, joten tein vielä tyynynkin. Siihen ei ole mitään mallia, ihan vaan leikkasin kolmioita kolmioviivaimella ja tein niistä timantteja. Tämä valmistui aikas nopsaan.
Because there still was extra fabric I made a pillow. There is'n a pattern for this. I just cut triangles with a triangle ruler and made diamonds out of them. This was very quick to make.
Ensin hieman pelotti leikata näitä kauniita kankaita mutta kaikista tuli kuitenkin kivoja ja olen ihan tyytyväinen lopputulokseen. Näillä kankailla on vaikea epäonnistua. Tämä oli kyllä kiva projekti, ihan varmasti vuoden ykkösjuttu ompelurintamalla. Kiitos Amy!
One more idea came to my mind. I decorated two hand towels with flying geese. The towels are soft and thick so when I quilted it, it made a nice pattern to the back. I also added another loop to the side. I guess you can't get rid of quilts in our house since they are now taking over the bathroom. These turned out so nice that I could make some for presents.
At first I was a little afraid to cut these beautiful fabrics but I'm very pleased how all quilts turned out. It's impossible to fail with these fabrics. This was so fun sewing project, certainly number one of this year :) Thank you Amy! Linking up with finish it up friday & Sew Stitch Snap .